Payment Purpose


Depositor's Details


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Payment Purpose

Please Select Purpose


Ministry Purpose PAO DDO Agency Amount Payment Period / Frequency Delete
{{PurposeLstItem.ControllerName}} {{PurposeLstItem.PurposeDescription}}
{{PurposeLstItem.PAOName}} {{PurposeLstItem.DDOName}} {{PurposeLstItem.AgencyName}} {{PurposeLstItem.AmountValue}} {{PurposeLstItem.Period}}

Depositor's Details

Payment Mode Online

Depositor's Details

Name {{txtDepositorName}}
Address 1 {{txtAddress1}} Address 2
City {{txtShippingCity}} District {{DistrictName}}
State {{StateName}} Country {{CountryName}}
Pincode/Zipcode {{txtShippingPinCode}} Email {{txtShippingEmail}}
Mobile No. (+91) {{txtShippingMobileNumber}}

Purpose Details

Sr. No. Ministry PAO Name DDO Name Purpose and Payment Type Payment Period / Frequency Amount (In INR)
1 {{ControllerName}} {{PAOName}} {{DDOName}} {{txtBxPurpose}} {{ddlPeriodText}} {{txtAmount}}
{{lblAmountInWords}} Total:: {{txtAmount}}

Payment Gateway

Transaction Ref. No:
Challan No:
MPos Device*:
MPos Port*:

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Disclaimer In case you do not receive transaction status as success or failure after completing all steps in payment process, then wait for 30 minutes and check the status of the transaction using the " track your payment " link on Bharatkosh home page. If the status of your transaction is shown as FailRef, then proceed to reinitiate a transaction for same purpose again. In case the amount is debited from your account for the FailRef case, then you can expect the refund to be credited to your account in 3-5 working days.

I acknowledge and confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms And condition.

Payment has been initiated, please wait while payment is processed on MPos machine...